Welcome Shaadi Proposal

Deira/ Al Ras Street Dayrah, Dubayy, UAE matrimonials
assalaamvalekum' our families is a very simple and decent following by upper middle class family. and bleave all in allah. and we respect islaam and good person
About Welcome and His Life Partner
i' like very simple life partner who respect islaam, husband and all families. who bleave allah,prefer namaaz and wearing hizaab.who never lies, never froad, never hurt my heart who love me very much. who take care of house, work and me who make my life happy and help each other. i cannot forced anybody if u like my profile,have intrested,most welcome best of luck all allah kareem that's all allah haafi'z.
Welcome's Personal and Physical Details
Welcome's Hobbies / Interests
Welcome's Education and Career
Welcome's Family
Welcome's Religious & Social Background
Welcome's Cultural Background
Welcome's Life Style
About Welcome and His Family
assalaamvalekum' our families is a very simple and decent following by upper middle class family. and bleave all in allah. and we respect islaam and good person who create and behave a very good manner's who is very polite and respectable. belong's the neighbour also we help each other who is good and we can make more life beautiful. i have 3 brother & 1 sister all r married and all have seperate house. my father also very old, my mother just now passed away. i' also have seperate house and living alone. i' am waiting for my life partner. who comes and makes my life more beautiful all allah kareem