Dr_zubbee Shaadi Proposal

Kurram Agency Bagan Baggan, FATA, Pakistan matrimonials
zubbair khan like to marry to a good educated honest and sincre also beautifull girl..my contacts.email:dr_zu bbee@yahoo.com +92925540269 or+923005914032
About Dr_zubbee and His Life Partner
i m zubbair khan 25 years i woulkd like to marry to a good educated honest and sincere also beautifull girl..my contacts .
email: dr_zubbee@yahoo.com
Cell: +92925540269 or +923005914032
i love those who love mankind.... i love those who is sincere..i love those who is honest and true...and who is dont fraud only true and dont waste time of others...
i love those who loves but not for mone ,, properties and any other claims
Dr_zubbee's Personal and Physical Details
Dr_zubbee's Hobbies / Interests
Dr_zubbee's Education and Career
Dr_zubbee's Family
Dr_zubbee's Religious & Social Background
Dr_zubbee's Cultural Background
Dr_zubbee's Life Style
About Dr_zubbee and His Family
i have 5 sisters and 5 brothers..in my family there is no illeterate person all my fam,ily is educated..and i have 3 doctors from my family...4 teachers from my family..well properties and ecnomically well ....
we have no enemies among others and just are simple family loveable and culturally..