Adii00 Shaadi Proposal

Mumbai Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India matrimonials
It would have to be a combination of many things. I am goal oriented in planning my future, and I like to surround myself with similar people. It would be great
About Adii00 and Her Life Partner
adijat_hassan@hotmai It would have to be a combination of many things. I am goal oriented in planning my future, and I like to surround myself with similar people. It would be great to have some of the same interest, but I also think that two people should be unique.
Adii00's Personal and Physical Details
Adii00's Hobbies / Interests
Adii00's Education and Career
Adii00's Family
Adii00's Religious & Social Background
Adii00's Cultural Background
Adii00's Life Style
About Adii00 and Her Family
I understand that not everyone will have the exact same likes, and that'''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''s ok. As long as we'''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''re on the same page at the end of the day!! That came out real smooth didn'''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''t it? I''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''m not real good about getting my words to come through on the keyboard. Trust me Most people say I am a nice guy, so I guess I can live with that. I am quiet and a little shy at first, but tend to open up after I get to know someone. I consider myself a positive person and like to put out good energy,I like to have fun every day, life is short, get out and enjoy what life can give you. I like to have a goal to look for and try to get every year, this gives me direction. I love to give you a big hug when you come home after a long day.Hello there! ... I''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''m much better in person! I''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''m pretty easy going, a hard worker, fairly organized/clean, and have a great sense of humor (at least I think so). Friends describe me as having a big smile and a big heart. I love a good conversation.